Winter member meeting schedule
Minnesota DHIA member meetings are scheduled for 75 minutes. The agenda will include a featured speaker and updates of DHIA activities, and reports from Amy Loeschke, Director of Member Services, Manager Bruce Dokkebakken, and Lab Manager Mark Heidgerken. Nominations for South-Central, Southeast, and Metro Directors will be accepted. The term is for 3 years. Elections will be by mail or email after the last Member meeting. Directors meet 5 times a year. Some meetings are in person and some by webinar depending on farming activity.
We will also accept nominations for the 28 Delegates to the Annual Meeting on March 26 in Rogers. The meeting is scheduled for 10:45 to 2:25.
Nominations for either position can be made in writing, by text (763.350.2324) or by email or telephone. Before you can nominate someone, they need to agree to serve if elected, and must be an active member.
March 13, 2024 12:30 to 1:30 PM
DART User's Webinar
Kaz Ingawa leads both sessions. Kaz works for DRMS on the Technical Support Staff helping customers with DART, PocketDairy, and DHIA records. He has been at DRMS since 1999. He will cover a few basic topics such as event entry, setting up protocols, changing cow information, & building reports. A substantial amount of time will be devoted to addressing your specific questions.
REGISTER TODAY for one or several webinars by emailing Nancy Zander at [email protected] and she will email you the Zoom link prior to the meeting.
You will also find recordings of the Winter meetings on DHIA. This is our new YouTube channel.